Now is the time to prepare those defences
I promised I’d warn you, and here is that warning.
Start planning now: order what you need to, and get ready for action. Slug wars are approaching.
I am NOT going to be defeated by slugs this year
Although we’ve had a couple of proper freezes in the UK over the winter which might have killed off some of the nasties lurking beneath the surface, you can bet your bottom dollar that, even though it seems unimaginable now, in a couple of months’ time, those slimy beasts are going to be mullering any fresh new stems they can get up.
Last year’s 10-pronged defence system totally worked, and I know it’s really annoying of me to say, but I beat the slugs, even in 2024, The Year of the Slug, so I’m going to be doing the same this year. I strongly advise that you get going with preparations right now.
If you have any additional tried and trusted methods, do please let me know. I’ll be applying EVERY method suggested.
I’ve been finessing my many-pronged defence against these slimy plant-murderers. This used to be a 4-pronged defence, but I’ve become so annoyed with them over the last few years as they positively lark about in the garden, rain-bathing and hanging out with each other like they’re at some Slug Spa courtesy of ME, that I am not taking any chances ever again.
Now is not the time to tell me that not all slugs are bad. I know that but I also know this: