Do you still have a pile of bulbs waiting to be planted?
Don’t panic - there’s still time. Plus, some very good news
And then I left everything to itself, with a big prayer to the garden fairy and a huge ask of Mother Nature
In this lull of in-between-days - mellandagarna in Swedish, Romjul in Norwegian (for some reason I just can’t bring myself to say Twixmas or Twixtmas) - between Christmas and New Year, I achieved my main aim, which was to forget what day it was. The utter luxury of knowing that no-one’s waiting for a reply to an email, a design, a deadline delivery, an anything. This is the life. Although I’m not sure that I could live like this every day - I think the joy must be something to do with knowing that many other people are similarly cocooned, wanting the outside world to go away and to just bask in the gloriousness of comfort and PJs and all the snacks.
Mission accomplished: I spent the whole of yesterday thinking it must be either Wednesday or Thursday. Such a good feeling that I know isn’t going to happen again for another year.
There’s a fabulously dramatic combination of darkness and mist out there this Saturday morning. But here’s the good news – the very best of brilliant news –